News, views and industry trends
The benefits of AP automation for leasing
In recent years there’s been a lot of noise about the benefits of AP Automation. Mostly we hear about using technology to make it faster, save time and even reduce head count. However, when it comes to property and leasing, there is often real money …
Decreasing the cost of your lease portfolio management
With the increased pressures to provide detailed and accurate leasing data brought on by the introduction of AASB 16/IFRS 16 a few years back, coupled with the lease negotiations and changing agreements brought on by the recent lockdowns, it’s never …
AASB 16/IFRS 16: Are you up to date?
With the start of FY2020, the demands of AASB 16/IFRS 16 are now real. This new financial reporting standard is now impacting many of South Africa’s best companies; however, many organisations remain under-prepared. As a result of being forced to ado…
Preparing for FY20: How to ensure AASB 16/IFRS 16 compliance this EOFY and beyond
Accounting standard AASB 16/IFRS 16 is effective for reporting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2019, meaning that for many companies in Australia reporting begins from July this year. Already it has become widely accepted to be one of the mo…
Minimising the complexity of AASB 16/IFRS 16 compliance with support from a development of a new compliance module
Way back in 2006, the IASB announced the concept of a new project into lease accounting, and the implications for businesses with multiple lease holdings were potentially significant, but focused it seemed, on larger and publicly-listed companies. Si…
Creating business-wide efficiencies with healthy lease data
As the old saying goes, “You can’t fatten a pig on market day.” So too is it with systems. If you are not ready now, then it is already too late. With the increased level of business planning and reporting that occurs at the change of the financial y…