Real estate portfolio asset management
Aggregate and analyze portfolio data, manage risk, and delight investors with MRI Portfolio Management, a real estate portfolio asset management solution.
Maximize shareholder value beyond buying and selling
High rates, downward trends: Help investors thrive in a changing economy The Fed has been curbing inflation with the biggest interest rate increases in decades. Good news came September 18, 2024 when rates were cut 50 basis points – opening new real …
AVR Realty improves reporting efficiency with Spreadsheet Server and MRI Software
About AVR Realty Founded by Allan V. Rose, AVR Realty Company (AVR) is a leading private real estate development, investment, and management firm. Headquartered in New York, its portfolio covers 20 states and over 70 cities, including hotels, multifa…
Cut Through Data Chaos with MRI Agora Insights
Today’s commercial property owners and operators are using more technology systems than ever before, yet challenges still exist around data visibility, integrations, and automation. It’s no secret that the real estate industry generates vast quantiti…
Clarion Partners completes bookings faster with MRI Investment Accounting
Clarion Partners is a leading New York-based real estate investment management firm with offices around the world. Its nearly 1,500 properties and $81.6 billion in AUM span a variety of real estate risk/return strategies supporting multiple open- and…
Empower your real estate strategy with intuitive, nimble technology
For your real estate organization, it is imperative to make quick and accurate decisions to forecast the current and future state of your properties and portfolio. Enhance your portfolio evaluation by attributing, modeling, and forecasting valuation…