Keeping your employees safe on and off site is a big responsibility
Managing your employees and workplace in a hybrid environment can feel like a near-impossible task that requires regular monitoring and reporting on health, safety, and security measures. With rich operational reporting and easy sign-in processes, you can remove the guesswork of knowing who is working alone, onsite, or remotely so you can account for everyone in your duty of care.
Make life a breeze for you and your workers with employee management software that provides insight presence data

Sign employees in and out with ease
Use the mobile app for automatic, location-based sign in/out. Employees can use the app to sign in for work remotely, read safety briefings as they arrive on-site, notify someone when working alone or need assistance, and receive push notifications or visitor arrival notices.

Screen, induct and train your employees
Screen employees to ensure they meet onsite requirements including vaccination status. Manage new and existing employees’ inductions or eLearning – never forget a renewal with automatic reminders. Restrict access to anyone who hasn’t passed training or taken induction.

Desk booking and employee scheduling
Give employees the power to plan when on-site and where they sit to maintain on-site policies and procedures. Never worry about exceeding on-site occupancy or allowing staff on-site who don’t meet your policies and procedures.
Create a flexible workplace and protect your employees with employee management software
Alerts and notifications
Lone worker tracking
Emergency Management
Rich data
Access control integrations
Create a flexible workplace
Alerts and notifications

Alerts and notifications
You can set up alerts and notifications for almost anything in OnLocation. Use them to keep track of on and off-site employee movements, lone workers, employee access rights, qualification expiry, and training records. You can set up a watchlist to notify you when ex-employees or competitors attempt to sign in.
Lone worker tracking

Lone worker tracking
Receive notifications when employees sign in to work alone. Ask employees to log their expected duration on-site and send their location when working remotely. Employees can trigger an SOS alert in the event of an emergency through the mobile app, pinpointing their geolocation.
Emergency Management

Emergency Management
Track who’s on-site for accurate and up-to-date emergency headcounts. Use the OnEvac application to carry out manual roll calls, send an SMS checking in on employees and view tracked zones in real time, all from your smartphone.
Rich data

Rich data
Report extensive, real-time information, from who is on-site at a particular time, to how long a lone worker spent in a particular area. Track and manage an emergency in real time and submit post-incident summaries to better understand your operations and crisis preparedness.
Access control integrations

Access control integrations
Link your access control system with OnLocation for ease of employee entry. Integrate your existing access control or time and attendance system through our API.
Create a flexible workplace

Create a flexible workplace
Empower employees to reserve their desks to collaborate safely and choose where they’ll sit when working on-site. Desks can be made unavailable for set-and-forget management of social distancing and improving employee confidence in the workplace. Neighborhoods, zones, or areas can be created for teams to quickly find where colleagues they need to collaborate with are sitting and power cross-team collaboration.
Trusted by organisations of all sizes
3 Steps to improve your employee management processes
Get started today.
1. Schedule a no-obligation customised demo with a friendly account manager.
2. Sign up for a free trial to see how you can improve the flow of employees through your buildings.
3. Start using OnLocation to create a the best employee experience.
Key Facts
Countries using OnLocation
Employees protected
Daily people movements
Who uses employee management software?
What is employee management software?
What is the cost of employee management software?
Why would you use employee management software?
What are the benefits of using employee management software?
What can I report on using employee management software?
Why should I use digital employee management software?
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