News, views and industry trends
Why space management software should be the next thing in your workplace
You need data and insights to build a workspace that meets business and employee needs. The use of space management software will help to provide you with real-time and historical insights to spot usage patterns and assist in justifying increases or …
How I-MED Radiology Network streamlined their real estate lease management
Property leases are one of I-MED Network’s biggest expenses and yet until recently lease agreements were managed individually by business units across the country, in conjunction with a third party. This resulted in overcharges from landlords, data i…
5 reasons to use workplace apps to create an excellent employee experience
Workplace apps are not new in the age of workplace efficiency, but with the trend in hybrid working continuing its rise in popularity, they are becoming a key solution in taking the employee experience to a new level. What are workplace apps? Using a…
The wider business-benefits of meeting lease obligations
As a new financial year begins, I have no doubt that many businesses have set goals to improve their operations and performance in 2021/22. Something about each new financial year ignites our best intentions and a renewed sense of determination to do…
Minimising the complexity of IFRS16 compliance with support from a new compliance module for IFRS 16
Way back in 2006, when the IASB announced the concept of a new project into lease accounting, the potential of significant implications for our customers began to emerge. Since IFRS 16 was officially issued in January 2016, MRI ProLease Express has c…
How to ensure your business is ready for IFRS16
How to ensure your business is ready for IFRS 16 In January 2016, it was announced that a new accounting standard, IFRS16, would come into practice for all lease holders, from January 2019. With this date fast approaching, it’s important to know wha…
What is a visitor management system?
Traditionally visitor management was managed manually via a check-in book or ledger at reception or the entry point. A visitor management system replaces the book and pen to digitize the management of visitors, employees, and contractors within an or…
The franchise review – MRI ProLease Express editorial on systemising franchise growth
Climbing the mountain: the importance of systemising franchise growth. Expansion is one of the most challenging and exciting initiatives that a business owner will ever undertake. In many ways, it’s the fundamental premise of franchising. It says: th…