Whiteboard Wednesday – Top 5 Reasons to Screen Residents with Resident Check
In today's Whiteboard Wednesday, Lorie explains some of the top reasons why you should consider using Resident Check.
Midwest Property Management improves reporting flexibility with Spreadsheet Server
For over 50 years, Midwest Property Management has managed quality residential and commercial rental properties across Canada. With over 50 residential properties, commercial properties, and hotels to their name, Midwest Property Management is the la…
Olympus Property improves efficiency with Callmax Automated Communications
Olympus Property is a real estate investment and property management company headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. For over 20 years, Olympus has managed residential properties throughout the southern United States. Today, the company manages more than…
Whiteboard Wednesday – 15 – MRI Callmax for Maintenance Page-outs
With automated page-outs, your maintenance staff will be automatically alerted to emergency issues and your office staff will be made aware of non-emergencies for follow up. As with all Callmax products, these communications are automated with built-in resident auto-responses.
Whiteboard Wednesday – Callmax for Resident Communications
MRI CallMaX enables property managers to effortlessly communicate with residents via its automated, intelligent answering service, web chat, text chat, and outbound call recording.