Client Spotlight


Enova is the regional leader in integrated energy and multi-technical services, delivering comprehensive services to its clients. It provides performance-based energy and facilities management solutions that help customers achieve their financial, operational, and environmental targets.

MRI Software solutions (Concept 500, then MRI Evolution) have been in use at Enova for more than twelve years. The company currently manages more than 300 contracts over seven countries within the MENA region. With more than 2,000 highly trained and multi-skilled employees, Enova serves a wide portfolio of clients in the public, residential, commercial, industrial and healthcare sectors across the region.


Prior to migrating from MRI’s Concept 500 to MRI Evolution in 2014, Enova arranged a tender bid for their CAFM software requirements. Some of the winning factors that enabled MRI to continue working with Enova included MRI’s local presence in the region for support and developments, as well as the ongoing collaboration and existing system with MRI. Therefore, there was no need to re-deploy and re-train staff, which resulted in a limited impact on operations.

“After thorough consideration, we have decided to continue our partnership with MRI. The crucial advantage was MRI’s alignment to our core business. With this software, we are able to integrate a helpdesk module for the maintenance and management of commercial and residential facilities in addition to pure asset management, which is an important factor for us given our customer-orientation. Furthermore, MRI Middle East’s services are competitive and efficient,” explained Francisco Ramalheira, Business Development & Marketing Director at Enova.

The migration from Concept 500 to MRI Evolution was implemented in two phases. First, it was rolled out for a specific contract, taking approximately 1-2 months. As a second step, the migration of all other contracts including the UAE and international databases followed. While the migration of the UAE database was straightforward, the migration of the other countries’ databases was more time-intensive due to internal alignment and the standardisation of entities in the system.

“The main challenges we faced during the migration were a strict timeframe for the implementation for new contracts and the standardisation and adaptation to or creation of new fields within the system. Multiple databases were merged simultaneously, with several systems running in parallel during the different phases. After a few months of stabilisation and rectification, the migration was completed successfully. Overall, we are satisfied with MRI’s support throughout the entire process,” added Ramalheira.

Enova has also embraced MRI Evolution Go, MRI’s workforce mobility solution, by way of a series of tailored apps which are used on smartphones by on-site and mobile Enova technicians across the MENA region. MRI Evolution Go operates seamlessly alongside MRI Evolution to provide timely SLA and other task related data. This includes data relating to performance measurement systems for various Enova clients which are automated with MRI Evolution.


“An effective CAFM system is crucial for efficiency and reliability in the FM industry. Our extensive use of MRI Evolution allows Enova to stay on the top of the market and to keep on track for all new requirements,” explained Ramalheira.

The migration to MRI Evolution and the use of MRI Evolution Go has added the necessary level of control and reporting to Enova’s activities, specifically relating to the following:


MRI Evolution allows for thousands of users, unlike most of the systems on the market that are only suitable for a couple of contracts or a handful of users to manage/administrate.


MRI Evolution gives the option of internalising the customisation in terms of workflows, reports, mobility, etc., giving it a key advantage to match client requirements and internal objectives.

Alignment with IT standards

MRI Evolution enables the alignment of IT standards for integration (i.e. integration with eSight Energy, HR system, financial system, client systems).

Real time performance measurement

MRI Evolution Go provides SLA and KPI to MRI Evolution for full visibility of service delivery.

“We are constantly increasing the number of CAFM users within our business and will continue upgrading the system to allow for the latest technology and developments. Through ongoing coordination with both the MRI regional and global management teams, we are constantly informed about the latest case studies and modules of relevance,” added Ramalheira.

Enova’s future plans in terms of CAFM solutions includes adding ‘online’ mobility solutions, IoT, BIM, and Artificial Intelligence technology.

Learn how you could transform your FM operations with
MRI Evolution.

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